I'm looking at a WiFi 7 deployment. But not because of the feature set. The true win was extra spectrum with 6E. But considering where most vendors are with their 6E product life cycle, 7 will provide more ROI.
The most interesting part of Wi-Fi 7 to me is MLO. Having 6E bandwidth is nice, but being able to combine 5 GHz and 6 GHz seems like it's going to be the first meaningful increase in wireless bandwidth since Wi-Fi 5
For the home user, MLO has potential. For my enterprise deployment, it's sadly a no-go due to how it's implemented and how that implementation affects the user experience.
Meanwhile a WiFi 7 access point costs 10x what a WiFi 6E one does. In my country we have fibre to the premises national broadband, but even its top speed is just 1 Gbps, so nobody has any motivation to upgrade their home wifi.
I'm looking at a WiFi 7 deployment. But not because of the feature set. The true win was extra spectrum with 6E. But considering where most vendors are with their 6E product life cycle, 7 will provide more ROI.
The most interesting part of Wi-Fi 7 to me is MLO. Having 6E bandwidth is nice, but being able to combine 5 GHz and 6 GHz seems like it's going to be the first meaningful increase in wireless bandwidth since Wi-Fi 5
For the home user, MLO has potential. For my enterprise deployment, it's sadly a no-go due to how it's implemented and how that implementation affects the user experience.
That's interesting to hear, do you have a link to read more, I'm curious.
Meanwhile a WiFi 7 access point costs 10x what a WiFi 6E one does. In my country we have fibre to the premises national broadband, but even its top speed is just 1 Gbps, so nobody has any motivation to upgrade their home wifi.